The popularity of food trucks in the past few years has skyrocketed, becoming more prominent in parks and even getting their very own designated food truck parks in certain cities. A festival is no longer complete without at least a food truck or two, as guests have come to expect it.

A new, growing trend is that of festivals completed dedicated to the food truck phenomenon! Food Truck Festivals are the new "it" festival, and what's not to love about fresh, culinary food on wheels?! A food truck festival is also such a great way to showcase all the different options a city has to offer.

only people with wristbands are able to participate in tasting all the yummy foods the trucks are offering up.
Our Red Check Tyvek Wristbands are also great for a food truck event, since they resemble a classic red checker picnic table cover! Use them to identify guests as they wander about checking out the tasty selection - their wrists will stand out with the bright red checks!
If you're in the Atlanta area this Summer, be sure to check out the Atlanta Street Food Festival on Saturday, July 11 at Piedmont Park!