Are you stressing about keeping track of a bunch of students on a field trip for a school or youth group? Maybe you’re planning an outing for wee little ones who you worry about wandering off. Or maybe you’re scheduling an excursion for older high school students who you want to look uniform and easily identifiable.

No matter what you’re planning, custom plastic wristbands are a great way of keeping tabs on all your students. You can easily customize them with your contact information, logos or the contact information of your organization, in case someone wanders off or needs assistance.
Not only are these wristbands great for keeping your group secure, they also give your group a nice, uniform look and can serve as a memento for scrap booking later.
These wristbands are one size fits all, so they’ll suit even the smallest of wrists. They’re also extremely durable and hard to rip off without scissors, so you won’t have to worry about anyone losing their wristbands.
Packs of 500 Custom Plastic Wristbands start as low as $47.50 and come in a variety of colors, including: black, blue, gold, green, orange, orange checker, pink, red, silver, white and yellow.