The Summer season is upon us which means it's a great time for companies to get together for some sort of fun event! If you are lucky enough to be on the planning committee or want to offer up your opinion, we have a few event planning tips for you.
Follow these 3 unique tips to make your company's event AWESOME!

1. Choose A Theme For Your Event!
A theme gives character, excitement, and direction for any good event. You want the identity of the event to be accepted by your coworkers so make sure everyone is comfortable with the theme (nothing inappropriate) Also, try to be different or original by coming up with a theme that hasn’t been overplayed.
Unique Event/Party Themes
• Olympic Games - People can be assigned random countries to represent at the event. Different colored wristbands can be used to represent each country!
• Dancing with the Stars - Have a red carpet event as your favorite celebrities. Custom foil tickets would make for a great invitation and will add a special VIP feel to your event.
• Rock Concert - Choose any style of rock you want, anything from big hair metal to classic 60's. Custom wristbands will go with the event's theme and make it feel like you're at a real music festival.
2. Change Up The Event Entertainment
Let's not forget that your theme is not the entertainment. There needs to be another element of entertainment that coincides with the theme that will get people involved and having a great time!
• Olympic Games - Teams of coworkers can compete against others in carnival style games to win the gold!
• Rock Concert - Forget the iPod playlist, hire a band or even a tribute band that really meets the needs of your event theme!
• Rock Concert - Forget the iPod playlist, hire a band or even a tribute band that really meets the needs of your event theme!
3. Awesome Food Is A Must
Just because the event is for the company, doesn’t mean you have to accept the traditional cuisine that is usually associated with these events. Try different culinary concepts that your guests will enjoy:
• Iron chef
• Build your own
• Tastes from around the globe
• Tastes from around the globe
These different concepts will have your guests moving, interacting, and even competing with one another!

Apply these 3 tips to your company’s next event if you want to ensure everyone has an awesome time! We encourage you to leave your helpful tips in the comment box. Also, let us know of any experiences that you may have had with our suggestions!